Le visite dei pontefici

A special issue of the magazine dedicated to the tunic of the Saint of Assisi
In the next issue of San Francesco magazine a special dedicated to the tunic of the Saint of Assisi. According to the research of the German Professor of ancient fabrics, who also led the restoration group of the Holy Shroud in 2002, Mechthild Flury-Lamberg, it was St. Clare who patched up the dress of Francis and, to do so, she would use parts of her cloak. Everything comes from a 1988 study, published by Abegg-Stiftung Bern. The study remained unnoticed in the archives for several years and it is reported exclusively in the Franciscan periodical of October. The robe of St. Francis is kept in the Chapel of St. Nicholas in the Lower Basilica.
«While we were looking in the archive for news about the robe of San Francis, we came across an article published in our 1989 magazine. It reported Professor Flury-Lemberg’s research, that immediately caught our attention - said the magazine’s director Father Enzo Fortunato -. We’ve counted 31 patches of the tunic - the director writes in his editorial - of which 19 seem to come from the cloak of Saint Clare. A discovery that tells us about devotion, esteem and spiritual affection between humans, and in this case between Clare and Francis. Only love - concludes Father Fortunato - can mend, patch and start again».
The exclusive cover of the monthly magazine of the friars of the Sacred Convent of Assisi, realized by the artist Mimmo Paladino, represents the tunic of Saint Francis and the tunic of Jesus. The brown suit of Francis symbolizes the Earth and the fragility of man . The red robe of Jesus recalls passion and love for others.
«An intense and free relationship between Clare and Francis - declared the Archbishop of Benevento, Mons. Felice Accrocca - based on the unifying trait of devotion to Christ: both chose to follow the Divine Master and this contributed to connect them in a bond that was also of human affection, and true friendship, because whoever loves and follows Christ lives in the full freedom of the Spirit. Nothing strange, so that Clare herself could have patched Francesco's tunic: many testimonies say that she often held needle and string".
Within the new issue of the magazine there is also a special about the celebration of the Patron Saint of Italy. The 4th of October, St. Francis Day, has a special meaning indicated by the Italian Parliament in 2005 as "civil solemnity and a day for peace, fraternity and dialogue between religions". An opportunity to continue and propose the ideals and values of the Poverello and its strong life choices.
To receive the magazine, call the freephone number 80062881.
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