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An in-depth discussion with The Coalition for Women in Journalism
The Coalition for Women in Journalism is an organization that provides support to women journalists around the world. Founded in 2017 by Pakistani journalist Kiran Nazish as a pro bono organization and launched as an NGO in 2018, it is an organization that provides support to women journalists around the world. “Instead of competing with each other in an environment created and dominated by men, we want to empower women by supporting each other,” Nazish said in an interview. After its launch, CFWIJ became the first nonprofit organization to offer mentoring to female journalists from Western and non-Western countries. The organization's Pakistani chapter was launched in 2018 with the membership of prominent female journalists.
On the occasion of International Women's Day, we talked with Anastasia Filip, project coordinator, about the current situation of women journalists in terms of freedom, gender equality and oppotunity.
What is the Coalition for Women in Journalism about?
The Coalition for Women in Journalism (CFWIJ) is an international organization that focuses on supporting, mentoring, and advocating for the safety and rights of women journalists across the globe. Established with the mission of bridging gender gaps in the press and ensuring women’s voices are heard and protected, CFWIJ provides crucial resources and guidance to help women journalists navigate an industry that often exposes them to gender-specific challenges, including harassment, discrimination, and violence.
We actively monitor and document threats against women journalists globally, highlighting cases of online and physical harassment, wrongful imprisonment, and censorship. It engages authorities and international bodies to push for meaningful action and protection.
Let's take a look at the current situation. How many women are incarcerated in different parts of the world? Who are they? Where? What are the reasons?
At least 92 women journalists are currently incarcerated worldwide. These detentions often stem from their professional activities, with charges ranging from "spreading false information" to "insulting public officials." The legal processes are frequently prolonged, and bail amounts are set prohibitively high, effectively silencing these journalists.
In Iran, the situation is particularly dire. Following widespread protests, numerous women journalists were arrested. While 39 have been released on bail, the stringent bail conditions and extended legal proceedings hinder their ability to continue reporting.
In Turkey, between January and November 2022, CFWIJ documented 150 violations against women journalists, including legal persecution and physical assaults. The state has been accused of weaponizing its institutions to target these professionals, aiming to suppress dissenting voices.
These cases underscore the escalating global threats faced by women journalists, highlighting the need for international advocacy and support to uphold press freedom and protect those who risk their lives to report the truth.
Do we know what their detention conditions are?
The CFWIJ staff and experts speak to the lawyers and family when we can, to have a better understanding of the conditions.
In Italy, the case of Cecilia Sala has shone a light on the issue by mobilizing many people. How have you experienced the situation and what can we on the outside do to make sure that these women can become free again?
CFWIJ issued a swift statement condemning Sala’s detention, ensuring immediate media coverage and visibility for the case across international outlets, including Italian and global press. We also launched a campaign amplifying awareness and putting pressure on Iranian authorities through public opinion.
Our team also worked behind the scenes with Italian and EU diplomatic missions, urging them to prioritize Sala’s case and address it during negotiations with Iranian officials.
Through our reporting, CFWIJ used Sala’s case to highlight the broader crackdown on journalists in Iran, connecting her detention to a wider pattern of press suppression.
Iran has a long history of targeting journalists, activists and foreign nationals to silence criticism and manipulate narratives. The country is a leading jailer of women journalists in particular, according to Women Press Freedom.
Women are increasingly free to choose what to do with their lives, even doing professions they have not always been able to do. How far is still to go to achieve gender equality?
Some recommendations about what the communities and the public can do to challenge the growing threat to women journalists.
• Raise Awareness and Keep Pressure:
Journalists can keep cases in the spotlight through articles, editorials, and interviews to ensure global audiences and decision-makers remain aware and engaged.
• Organize Public Protests and Events:
Peaceful protests, vigils, or public demonstrations can exert additional pressure on governments to secure releases.
• Contact Government Representatives:
The public can write letters or petition their representatives, urging diplomatic intervention in cases of unjust imprisonment.
• Engage with Online Advocacy:
Joining social media campaigns organized by CFWIJ and other groups can amplify visibility and create viral support.
• Provide Financial and Legal Support:
Donations to legal defense funds for journalists can help cover legal fees and provide resources for their families. Donate the CFWIJ to help.
• Push for Legislative Change:
Advocate for stronger international legal protections for journalists through petitions and campaigns targeting global bodies like the UN or EU Parliament.
• Boycott Media-Restricting Governments:
Support campaigns that pressure governments economically and diplomatically, potentially leveraging trade sanctions.
• Offer Psychological Support:
Detained journalists often face trauma post-release. NGOs and community groups can organize counseling services or reintegration programs. The CFWIJ often convenes gatherings for these. women journalists can get in touch with us via our website and join our peer-support groups.
• Support Investigative Reporting:
Continued investigations into the political motivations behind arrests help expose the truth and create lasting accountability.
• Network with International Organizations:
Encourage organizations like Amnesty International, PEN International, and CFWIJ to sustain their advocacy and provide expertise on complex cases.
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