
Economy of Francesco, press conference of presentation

Pubblicato il 20-02-2020

On 25th February in Rome

The presentation of "Economy of Francesco", the event wanted by Pope Francis that will take place in Assisi from 24 to 28 March, will be held on Tuesday, February 25th at 3 pm in the Press Room of the Foreign Press Association in Rome (via dell'Umiltà 83). Will attend the chairman of the event's organising committee, Mons. Domenico Sorrentino, the scientific director, Luigino Bruni, and some of the young protagonists of the March meeting: Paolo Santori, Federica Nalli and Maria Florencia Locascio.
The director of informative structure of the event, father Enzo Fortunato, will coordinate. In addition, will be presented to the press: the five-day programme; numbers about the young participants; speakers; 12 villages; Pope Francis' visit; accreditation methods and other informations for media. Journalists wishing to attend the conference must submit accreditation requests within Monday 24th February at 1 pm sending a mail to salastampa@sanfrancesco.org, indicating workplace and phone contacts.
For more informations visit www.francescoeconomy.org and www.sanfrancesco.org
This was announced by the head of the press office of “Economy of Francesco”, Roberto Pacilio

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