
Assisi, la città di san Francesco si trasferisce a Londra 

Giulio Cesareo
Pubblicato il 03-07-2023

I beni della collezione del Sacro Convento esposti alla National Gallery di Londra 

Il 29 giugno 2023 si è svolto l'evento “Assisi, la città di san Francesco” presso la National Gallery a Londra, organizzato in collaborazione dal Comune di Assisi e dal museo londinese che ospita una mostra temporanea su san Francesco. La nostra comunità del Sacro Convento è stata invitata a partecipare anche perché tre tra i pezzi esposti sono da noi custoditi. Durante l’evento a nome del Custode fra Marco Moroni, OFMConv, come portavoce della comunità francescana ho rivolto ai presenti - imprenditori, giornalisti, tour operators - questo saluto:

Thank you for the opportunity of being here with you today. On behalf of the Father superior of our Franciscan community of the Sacro Convento in Assisi, the Custos friar Marco, I greet all of you and thank you for your participation. In particular I would like to express our gratitude to the Mayor of Assisi, Stefania Proietti, and to Mr Gabriele Finaldi.
Our friary of the Sacro Convento is very glad to have contributed to this exposition with our pieces, particularly because it is being held on the first year (2023) of the 4-years centenary whose climax will be on 2026 for the 800th anniversary of the death of Saint Francis. As you all may know, this very year 2023 is particularly dedicated to the 800th celebration of 2 main events of Saint Francis’ life:
the “invention”of the crib of Jesus at Greccio on Christmas’ eve 1223. The writing and approval of his rule of religious life by pope Onorious III.

Therefore, we see as a Providence this exhibition on Saint Francis in the very hearth of the UK and in one of the most prestigious museums in the world. Our goal as friars is to continue Saint Francis' mission to announce and make visible a world in which fraternity is not just a nice word, but the very core of our relationships with one another and with Mother earth and all other creatures. Fraternity indeed, which in our Franciscan perception has a religious foundation, is at the same time an intercultural content and language. Saint Francis is therefore both the messenger and the credibility of it.
We hope so that - even through the relevance of this exhibition - other people - believers or not - may decide to visit Assisi and the shrine of Saint Francis, in order to experience the healing power of his witness of fraternity,
Thank you very much for your attention
God bless you all.

Cari amici la rivista San Francesco e il sito sanfrancesco.org sono da sempre il megafono dei messaggi di Francesco, la voce della grande famiglia francescana di cui fate parte.

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